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Delving back to World of Warcraft

Its about 2 roughly weeks now that i have been playing in WoW, very much has change since my last play ( the burning crusade yea, that was super long time ago). also ever since they announce starter edition some time back. i always have the thought of jumping back.

So why now? thanks to the movie Warcraft i got the chance to go back and relive some of my nostalgic time that i have with this game, because they gave out FREE 1 MONTH GAME TIME, of course the catch is i need to play in a new account. also since there was no new race / class ( other then panda + monk ) I would also play every class and race to the starter edition limit ( will only start after i squeeze as much game hours i can from the free month pass ) so until then. tune in to my full adventure in twitch .

Watch live video from AverageCasualGamer on www.twitch.tv

ps : if you are playing hearthstone is good to spend some time on WoW to get a cool alt paladin for hearthstone ( since its free )

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