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Done with injustice 2 mobile

Finally I can retire peacefully from the game.

Completed chapter 8 heroic campaign.

Just collected enough shards for primal swamp thing and almost complete the available roster, akbm is still a ghost to me and the 2 cash only BvS superman and Suicide Squad Harley Quinn.

Arena is still a grind, luckily with short session and lower rank shard rewards the grind is a little hactic but gem players will still get ahead way pass the casual threshold.

Now since I have announced my retirement from injustice 2 mobile few weeks ago, sadly I wanted to collect the new justice league hero so I needed to extend my time to grind a little in the arena. Shame on me.

So now I can now just play the log in game and just wait for New content to drop and then decide if it's worth committing my time for the game.
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