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Digimon Links Event : Stained by Darkness

Greetings tamers,

Omegamon Zwat is Back! and along with it the dark skill boot chip!

Base info - Data bytes

This event offer 3 exchange bytes and the first time having 3 event chips to go along with it

The main exchange offer the sought after dark skill boot chip which cost 100 bytes each.

And omegamon Zwat for 100 bytes

Using this exchange rate total 2100 bytes needed for 21 fregments. But wait!

The second exchange offer Zwat only for 150 bytes each!

And the third exchange offers black wargreymon and black metalgarurumon for 50 bytes each

But what make the calculation hard is that each game can drop you all 3 types of data bytes.

So an estimation is needed

My average drop

14 for the first exchange
15 for the second exchange
19 for the third exchange.

Let's assume all drop on average 15 bytes per game.

To gain 1 C dark skill chip/omega Zwat for the first room, 7 games needed which will net around 100 bytes for the other room.

Note: the last room can drop more then 15 bytes on average but just to calculate the maximum effort needed.

For a fresh omega zwat, all 3 type of fregments is needed to

2100 bytes for the third room is the key.

7 games for an average 100 bytes a maximum total of 147 games needed.

With 72 refills, a total of 360 digistones.

Note: this calculation is calculated without chip involve and any extra stage.

This is to check the viability of a chipless game.

Good news is that this event is chipless friendly, how ever I could not speak for the co-op demand.

This section will evaluate the Feature digimon, and it's alternative

Omega Zwat is worth getting as he has almost the same stat as the original omegamon, downside is that he cannot evolve to a higher tier omegamon.

With chipless friendly event go hard!

Alternative, vikemon if you need water and megagargomon for Fire

Closing note
This section is my personal take on the event.

Being a chipless friendly event, co op will be a nightmare as this event need 3 different event chip! Personal recommendation is to play with alts

And omega Zwat is worth, and I'm going for it.

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