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Digimon Links : milestone V2

Greetings tamers,

FINALLY V2 is here! Getting all your advent Digimon to top tier, for the most of it entering the competitive scene with "hero" Digimon a

Notably cerubimon and grand kuwagamon, both of them are consider top tier in the game with massive stat boost and the V2 extra legacy to boot!

Best pull a chip or 2 to maximize your potential

600 data bytes needed and only 1 type event chip!

One of the best event to grind !

Unfortunately I have another announcement to make. I will be taking a major break to Digimon links.

Sadly I have to prepare for other games to cover and time is more limited now as I have various other activities.

Until then I will post some more interesting Digimon events from time to time.

Good luck grinding!

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