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A road map for 2019

Greetings readers,

It's been quite awhile since i write anything here. After quite some time trying out random ideas and direction for this blog. It's time to restructure yet again.

The quest to find a concrete base for the content trying to be a gaming YouTube channel to a game guide writing and other stuff.

So after another year of consideration and looking back at what I enjoyed doing which is writing article about games, which I tried to commit to a few titles but failed due to the lack of focus( haha ). Also after 3-4 years of trying to get a little profit/side income also epicly fail as well.

So starting this year, I will stop monetize anything ( like I'm earning from it anyways ) and just write articles and play the games that I enjoyed playing. I will still be producing you tube content ( which needs restructure as well ).

So for those who have been reading, I thank you. Until then have a nice day.

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