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Invictus Launch Week encore

Greetings citizen, 2 more days is added to the Invictus 2590 Launch week

Time to list the Best of the Best haul before it's gone.

Lets begin.
For New players out there, Free fly is coming to an end, and if you want to continue you need a base game Package.

For a limited time the Avenger Titan starter pack is available along with some extra goodies, 120 months insurance and a "Skin" This is The Best Deal for new players out there, but sadly it is a WARBOND starter pack. so existing players who wants to get this you need to buy with real money instead of store credits. very bad news for the players who got in recently. 

But do not be sad! Instead of getting another starter pack you have the next best option!

Get the Origin G12 for 55 Dollars and use it as an LTI token to a more expansive ship.  *ahem* cutlass Series.

And what do you know get the Cutlass Blue Warbond CCU ! and now you got the best bang for buck in the invictus launch week. 

How so?

if you get the avenger titan for 65 USD you already cut off 5 USD from the sticker price and since cutlass Blue has a Warbond CCU you can buy for a cheaper (150 USD) 25 USD off the sticker price instead of paying the current price of 175 USD, thus saving a total of 30 USD ( but in store value of 175 USD! ).

But wait if you gotten the G12 you not only pay less but it has LTI perk. But wait There's more! instead of buying straight to a Cutlass blue you could do this.

Buy a G12 or an Avenger titan starter pack. Get a CCU/Ship upgrade to Anvil Arrow, 
then get the Anvil Arrow upgrade to the Avenger Warlock, 
then the Avenger warlock to the Cutlass black, 
The Cutlass black to the Misc Freelancer, 
Freelancer to Cutlass Red 
and finally from Cutlass Red to the Cutlass Blue ( Warbond, if you dont you will be paying the full price instead of the special discount )

In total you get to TEST out all 5 different ships if you have not tried in the verse during the Invictus Launch week.

not bad eh?

Not only that there are more cheap CCU choices!

And that's it folks, the Best of the Best deals available for both new players and old. but of course the veterans have already eyed on a much bigger prize.

Presenting the Big guns
Draken Kraken
Aegis Idris-P
and the fable Aegis Javelin, have you found the crash site yet?

Surprisingly the Drake Kraken Privateer is still available.
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