Greetings readers , it's been a week in to February where i wanted this month to revamp this blog and introduce the goals and games that i want to focus on.
First and foremost is that i will officially enable monetization on my YouTube channel and other platform as i want to add a revenue stream to earn some side income. This income is mainly to enable me to spend a bit more time creating content for YouTube and also some funding to my indie games that i made and develop throughout the past years.
Also i have a patron account created, this is for those who wants to actively support my channel and or the games i created.
This year i will be rotating some games away, and make new space for new and upcoming games. I will be reveal them on an up coming post.
For this whole month i need to be more active to at least post 1 topic per week, and will consolidate the materials and reorganize them between this blog, Facebook page and google+ page.
Kicking start is to introduce to my long neglected Google+ and Facebook page, which i will give them a dedicated column in this blog, and some much needed love.
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