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A Moment of Update

Greetings, It’s been awhile since my last update from the last 2-3 weeks ago. the month of march is kinda tough on me as there are many things going on, barely had the time to sit down and gather my thoughts. Well guess its time to sing down and write!

So here is what have been going on, Ghost Recon Wildlands, i have been playing this game for the entirely of last march. Unfortunately there is no recording of this game yet, but will eventually will do so. I’ve played too much until i have neglected hearthstone in the process and missed a card back, yay /s… which is odd since i have been playing tavern brawl every week, curious… Talking about hearthstone, i am quite excited on the upcoming patch, more new cards! and of course the rotation of cards as well.

Destiny latest update to refresh the game for 1 last time before destiny drop is already here as i type, but some how i don’t feel the same about the game anymore, mainly because of the announcement on destiny 2, but primarily you don’t get to carry forward some of the hard earn loot, kinda moot for me but hey life moves on… so i decided to just casually be entertain by destiny for a little while.

Star citizen has also have a ship sale ( damm you ) to celebrate their latest addition or the fleet for grabs, and draining my pocket as well. so i have gotten my self a privateer pack, which consist a buccaneer and a cutlass black. Which i use the store credit to obtain it, with an extra 20$ 

also, looking back on march i realized i have a lot of backlog videos to render, which is a problem consider that i now actively using it to test drive star citizen and playing a new game which i recently acquire, Conan Exiles, well because nudity, that pretty sums up the game. Of course of have lore and such but so as every other survival game out there, but conan as some niche, which a impression review is coming right up!

All in all i have EVE online video to post, Star Wars The Old Republic to record, which i have been going on and on and on, time pick up the pace and forget those channel intro outro mambo jumbo and start uploading em.

well guess this it. This month will be those month where i will be going through my backlogs and start getting out.
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