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Blogging back

Greetings readers, after 2 months of hiatus, it seems that my regular mobile game blogging has far more post then other regular game post.

So what has happened lately.

First of all, you tube new policy has put me in an odd situation, I have no longer the ability to monetise my content ( sadly even with the ability to do so and I still don't earn anything ). This does not discourage me to not make any more content but to restructure a little. I will still keep making videos.

The only road block now is that I have promised myself to focus more time on other area where I can hopefully earn a decent living. So having less time to create gaming video is a bit sad.

I will to continue to produce weekly video. But schedule says maybe down to a video per week.

Also maybe getting back a weekly post for the blog to continue, for this year I should dedicated a weekly post of my life of a casual gamer.

Until then I will be rescheduling some of the content. Restructure a few and stuff. Tune in every week for more random casual gaming stuff

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