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Star Citizen 3.5 Live release

Greetings citizen,

Finally 3.5 is live! Now every backer who did not have the chance to play and test the PTU can now enjoy 3.5 and the new Arc Corp planet along with new mission givers.

Also 3.5 will mark my return to produce Star Citizen content. Previously on alpha 2.4 and 2.5 I only did small ship tour and some racing due to the lack of explorable point of interest and dynamic mission.

But this has change in 3.5. Now not only we got 5 landing ship ports with spawn points but also 4 of these ports have mission givers, and many many more scenic locations, and this will be the base for my content, running missions and exploring.

On top of that I have been recording lots of ship tours during the PTU period and it was a blast testing out all the available ships and ships that I might buy in the future. More on the ships that I tested and possibly will add into my fleet.

So until then see you in the verse

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