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Star Citizen Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2949 Free Fly guide

Welcome to Star Citizen Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2949 Free Fly!

First time to the game? Sign up here to start, not only you get a free account but also extra 5,000 UEC (worth 5 USD) or enter my referral code  STAR-JPPR-DJV5. And Test-fly Over 100 Ships Until Dec 5, what are you waiting for? Signing up is FREE!

To begin your free fly journey, you don't have to buy any package to play until Dec 5. Now install the game and head down to Stanton System.

you wont have any "Hangars" because you do not own any packages, More on this later.

You will be in Arc corp where they are hosting the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2949. To get to the convention center just follow the pink banner!

Now Wait for the train.

You have made it!

Do note there is food stall to fill your hunger near the ticketing counter.

or the vending machines, who could not resist Big Bennys!

Welcome to Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2949!

Head to one of these elevators to the show floor

for more pictures and updates on the  Intergalactic Aerospace Expo go here
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