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3.10 Flyable ships Sale should you buy

Greetings citizen, Looking for an upgrade? oh boy do we have some sale going on and it would be a good time to get some.

Note that you don't need to by these ships as the are also available to be purchase In Game!

With the latest patch, alpha 3.10. 2 ships have been some slight update. They are the Origin M50 and the Aopoa 

Starting with the Origin M50, with a great Warbond CCU cost at 90 USD which has a 10 USD discount, a must pickup if planning to upgrade to any ship above USD100 And best of all it can be use alongside with the one below. 

The only sad news is that the original M50 price was at USD 80 during the concept sale.

The Khartu-Al also have a warbond CCU cost at USD 160, which also has a discount of 10 USD. If use correctly with this weeks offer, you could get the Khartu-Al at the cheaper price of USD 150 instead of paying the full price of USD 170! which is the price to pay when it was first introduced!

But wait! there is more.

What if i told you can get these 2 ships with LTI?

Introducing the new straight to flight ready ship, in the case a vehicle. Thr Greycat Industrial ROC

With the introduction of this vehicle, the warbond version grants you LTI perk and with an additional 5 USD on top of that as well. So your expected price to pay for a M50 is now lowered to USD85 and the khartu-Al at USD 145. Which is a GREAT deal for those who has and is going to upgrade their fleet.

I know it's one of the best deal to get right now! not for the ROC but for those warbond CCU. So hurry up, you have until 11 of August 2020 to get, which is in a few more days to go.

The next post we will take a look on the Greycat Industrial ROC.

Note that you don't need to by these ships as the are also available to be purchase In Game!

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