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Drake Cutlass Red Flight Ready Review

Greetings citizen

It's been 2 weeks since 3.8.1 been released to live. Time to review the Cutlass Red.

Having the awesome Drake Cutlass haul, the cutlass red brings in the much needed medical gameplay. 

For the flight ready stats for you stat savvy citizens, spotting 4 size3 hardpoints same as the cutlass black but lost a turret and 34 SCU out of 46 SCU. In return the cutlass red has a full functioning toilet! And of course 2 medical bed along with a searchlight turret and better scanning for search and rescue. That's actually an impressive step up in functionally then the already versatile cutlass black.

For the price of 120 USD warbond or 135 USD non warbond. The Cutlass Red officially is now the BEST jack of all trade ship to own for anyone who can afford it but also the highest price tag in the list of bang for buck ship list.

What makes the cutlass so special is actually the entry price for a ship with medical bed. The current gameplay is able to heal faster then a med pen provided you came back and heal and the huge Quality of life, setting your spawn point. 

A life saver for those to deal with alot of FPS combat. Of course the limitation is the range, with 400k meter radius which is actually huge and if your ship is destroyed.

Now from a solo player perspective. This ship is literally a life saver ship. 

Got killed on the planet surface? Back to where you park the ship. 
Accidental out of ship death? Back to where your ship is.
Ship got blown up? well sadly back to where your last hab visitation location, which Is every death before 3.8.1

Other then spawning back on player death. The Cutlass Red is also a ship that bites. Spotting the same pilot control weapons as the cutlass black except the luxury of firing missiles. The only drawback is that the black has a manned turret, which will be a tie breaker when fighting head to head. But let's be honest, nobody is going to attack an ambulance right...? 

Lastly utilities, having a better scanner by default is always a plus, having 4 beds to log out brings more crew, pair up with the medical bed, you can fit a squad or a pair of ground skirmishes, which is perfect for guerilla warfare. And what better to be the crème de la crème of the ship, a full functioning toilet and covered with red strobe lights!

Personally the cutlass red is easily a must have ship for everyone especially those who have a regular crew or any org, unless you are out of budget.
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