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It's that concept sale! featuring the Mole from Argo Astronautics

Greetings Citizen! Guess this is the last Concept sale for the year 2019. 

The Argo Mole 

A multicrew civilian ship! Finally something that is not combat related. Also since it's from Argo, we got a truly unique industrial look at their very first take on a multi crew mining ship! 1 step closer to the behemoth RSI Orion.

Featuring 3 unique colours for the mole, the exclusive carbon black for concierge backers, the white talus for any warbond purchase and of course the default Argo orange available for both warbond and store credits.

At 275 USD warbond and 315 USD store credits is the Argo Mole the ship for you? 

A solo pilot will say NO, the Argo is primarily made for at least 2 players in mind as you cannot control the mining laser and piloting the ship at the same time. With a little planning, one could argue you could still solo, but then again having 2 prospector is arguably better if you only have 2 players. 

So the only thing left on the mole is the mining "head" and it's size. Being a size 2 and also the newly introduce choices for different mining heads, The mole will excel when it's fully crewed at 3-4 active members on board.

Having 3 size 2 mining points will quickly clean up a vicinity of rocks, not only that being size 2 means longer reach which equate to bigger mining radius without moving. This makes the mole an easily  recommend ship for those who have a crew and or friends to dabble in the mining profession.

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