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Star Citizen Boxing day Shopping, FOR FREE!

Got myself a bunch of CCU, because ship addiction is REAL! also with the 2.6 update things in star citizen gets a bit more interesting. but mainly 3.0 will be a decision maker for me to up my investment from 200 USD to maybe a bigger multi crew ship, but i have a plan... til then i shall stay with my current pledge of 2 starter package, SQ42 package and a 85x as lti token.

Damage to wallet so far :

2 Starter pack - 70 USD (35 x 2)
SQ 42 add on - 20 USD
85x Standalone - 50 USD
Cat CCU - 20 USD

Total - 160 / 200 USD limit

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earn 5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) worth $5 for FREE which can be spent on the website for weapons, ship components or decorations for your Hangar.
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