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A little league : me and injustice 2 mobile

So I have played down the reason that I pick up injustice 2 mobile, started on early July along with wonder women premiere.

The initial goal was to earn the exclusive "character" for the movie. One was easily accessible through time. Another through the Arena, and that's a problem now.

Looking back, I have been diligently grinding the arena initially for the promo rewards and after the promotion I continued for more arena character, but this cost me a lot of time. Something I cannot indulge for a long period of time. I thought I would stop after the promo period but no, my inner competitiveness wants to reach higher.

What makes a grind bad is that i feel left out the moment I stop participating in climbing the rankings. Even with the new ranking system it felt the same.

Injustice 2 mobile arena system is that a bigger pool of high to max level character could earn more points. Max level team to earn the highest possible points and having multiple high level team to gather more. This leave no room for a smaller size team. The arena also have 2 session a day for you to collect as much points as possible. The first half refreshes in the morning 8am and another at 8pm. If I take 1 hour to gather points in 1 session I have to repeat for the 2nd half.

Naturally in the competitive scene "Grinding" for ranks is needed. Question is to what extend?

To prevent game burn out ( frankly I'm almost there mainly from arena grinding ) I'm setting myself a goal and some limits. Since justice league is coming in November. That will be the dateline for me.

First getting that elusive legendary akbm.

Second is to finish the story and campaign.

These 2 are needed to be complete before the movie is released. Failing so means quit and move on. Either how a break is needed.

To cool down from arena grinding, which is much needed to keep myself from burning out. I will need to pull drastic move, stop grinding for character promotion and worst is to stop aiming for arena character.

Current situation is that there are 3 character left in the arena. Getting 1 means a solid month of staying in elite 2 ranking. Which is the singular most time consuming activity in this game. Currently I am logging my progress on the arena and see how much I can get away for minimum play time. Taking a new approach on tackling the arena.

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