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The measurement of gold standard, a star citizen ship guideline


Time to for me to have a ship guideline for measuring(?) The difference between a more luxury Vs utility and of course value for money ( real money that is ). It's been a long time to answer that pruchasing dilemma.

What ship should I upgrade/buy?

Note that the ship listed are mainly based on flight ready as they are immediately playable. Also I will not list any ship that is in concept and will judge the current state of the ship in alpha 3.4. also subject will change on future releases.

Aegis Avenger Titan 50 USD

You get a beefy size 2 ship ( small ) with 8 SCU of cargo and having a size 3 nose gun. It's the only combat ship that has a bed and a big cargo for it's size and price tag.

So it's a jack of all trade ship. All in one package.

Best pickup up the Mustang Alpha starter pack and then an upgrade to the Avenger Titan. BECAUSE THERE ARE NON BETTER THEN THIS.

Anvil Arrow 75 USD
It's the best cheapest ship with 3  X size 3 weapon hardpoints. Sure there are a few light combat ship that is fighting this spot. Notably origin 325A amd Aegis Gladius.

The deciding factor is that it's cheaper then the gladius, faster and nimble then 325A. So putting arrow as a Gold Standard it's the best choice.

Want a better combat ship? take the gladius.

Maximum firepower in a straight line? 325A

Drake Cutlass Black 100 USD

It's the best multicrew(2) ship to own. It might not have the best view compare to the cheaper reliant kore but it has better cargo, 46 SCU. Multiple entry and exit ( loading ramp and side door ) compare to the freelancer and a man turret.

The only contender to this ship is the freelancer, which is 10 USD more expansive but it comes with better cargo and a little more firepower.

Still being cheaper and overall better gameplay with it puts the Cutlass Black as the Gold Standard.

Now after hitting the magic 100 USD mark, ships here gets a little messy and that's another reason for this list.

Most ships here are quite specialised and  mid tier but nothing compare to the sub 100 USD list.

MISC Prospector 155 USD
Currently the only mining ship in game so no comparison can made. Also it can be a decent cargo ( 32 SCU) ship with a much better strutless view is the best view. Great side job ship if mining gets boring.

Origin 350R 125 USD
Fastest SCM speed in the game with a bed and also a racing ship. Sadly this ship is a limited sale

Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet 180 USD
The combat flagship for squadron 42. The OG combat ship during the Kickstarter days and more importantly it's turret hardpoint can be swapout for a cargo hull. The alternative to the Super Hornet is the Aegis Sabre but since stealth is not being implemented yet.

So until then the Super Hornet gets the slot for being more then just a combat ship. Sadly this ship is a limited sale

Aopoa Khartu-al 170 USD
Wait why is this ship doing here? Currently being the most unique ( alien ) ship in game with this (cheap) price tag. That's it. Other then that this is a introduction on alien ship is just expansive useless ship.

It is no better then the Avenger Titan in fact it's worst then it.

I know there are some freelancer and cutlass variant in this 100 - 200 USD group, the reason that I'm not including them is that most of them does not offer more unique roles compare to the other ship on the list. Sticking to the base hull is better for now.

Now above 200 USD, this is where the game becomes a unique space sim compare to the others and the main reason I support this development.

RSI Constellation Andromeda 225 USD
The first large size ship to be introduce in game. Having a currently undockable Merlin which is sad. The reason I put this out is that this is the only ship in game that gives you 2 ships with the price of 1. And the most affordable large ship. This could be the Titan Avenger of large ship, but as upon writing there is no competition to this category and anything that is close to this ship cost a lot more.

Any single seat ship in game in This price range is consider very expansive and should be avoided at all cost, unless you are prepared financial wise.

As we go on to the upper range of 300 USD, which in this case I will refer as the whale tier. Because any ship beyond this point the lower sub 200 USD have already covered.

So having said this I will not be listing any here as not everyone should put so much money towards the game without good reason.

A separate whale tier post will be available for this. And that's it.

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