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Me and internet spaceship 2019, star citizen

So it's 2019, time for me to reconsolidate my fleet once more and be a little more active monitoring the key development progress

Since 3.5 PTU is being release to the evocati tester out there. It's a good time to reflect the development of Star Citizen.

After being lazy for the past year, it's good that improvement and optimization is still being work on, more frame rate on my 4 year old gaming laptop. Hitting a smooth 30fps or more in empty servers, but sadly it's still stuttering and frame drop on certain area, eg on major hub.

Still improvement is still an improvement.

Second is the announcement on certain core function of the game, we have a solid trading to begin with. Sure more improvement is always welcome,want to see some cargo loading animation. And a first pass on mining, which in this case could use more work as the current direction it's a little annoying. More on those in another post.

So I have decided to "help" the developer by increasing my funding to the game. The goal is to get into the consierge club. A bold move and also my 1 most biggest spending for a game. Note that this is my decision and also having a little more disposal cash for entertainment. However I would not spend that much in 1 go. Nobody should be spending that much on a single game anyways.

My reason as silly as it goes, I want to own certain ship without treating star citizen as a 2nd job in grinding when it's out ( you could call it pay 2 win, but I will explain on this topic again soon ). Also with their open development ( excuses ) I don't mind pitching in, although their recent marketing invester news it's a little worrying.

So I will only contribute when a civilian ship is release or concept sale, started with the recent Argo SRV sale. And it has to be LTI.

Until then, be responsible and be informed on your internet spaceship purchase.

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