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After Class, an EVE story

After finishing her Industry Career class, Ozunara finally have some free time to spare before she take her final class.
She brought out her Cormorant class destroyer for some fun. fitted with 7 civilian Gatling railgun because thats all she can afford, which is free.

Thinking that 7 newbie ship weapons can get the job done. set off to kakakela system where there is a bunch of lv 1 mission givers. she pick all 3 of them, talking about needing ISK to survive.

"First mission should be a cakewalk" her, though, as she enters the first pocket, her guns barely did any damage or any at all.

with a lot of prowling around in the pocket, she was forced to escape at the last possible enemy, a single enemy destroyer withheld her attack and find her away. with no choice she was forced to warp out and recuperate and analyze why she lost.

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