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History of Pew Pew Inc.

With the goal in mind and a little digging by Bastila around the corp page, Pew Pew Inc sure does have a long history. With some war history and a some wall of text.

After reading some of the past reports, feeling motivated Bastila decided to restore some of the doctrines of Pew Pew Inc at the same time having an exchange with Quan Jin Gong while running some mission at the same time.

and it's done, with some exchange and running a few missions. Pew Pew Inc will be heavily relied on the good ol' staple EVE PVE style of gameplay, if they can't hit you you don't really need a tank and more slots for maximum DPS, a long range sniper doctrine.

Starting with her apocalypse, she starts to hunt down the best possible modules to fit.
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