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Lets Talk Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles is a open world multiplayer survival game, which promote a lot of PVP interaction. Based on lore of Conan the barbarian, you play as one of the exiles for whatever reason left to die in a harsh brutal world only to be freed by Conan himself.

Why play Conan Exiles? 

Official support for Nudity! was the only reason i needed to get into this game! Funny thing is that there is a influx of survival games being published and offer early access, not so sure if this was caused by No Man’s Sky. Looks like this recently open world survival game have been the goto theme, from Modern day robinson crusoe scenario, zombie apocalypse, stranded in a sic fi universe to the good ol’ fantasy adventure theme.

With the trend of survival games on the rise, Conan Exiles offer a more stone age theme. Technically speaking a sandbox playground for cave men/ women to duke it out to be the best, Building base is a common feature in these survival games. So whenever there is a base there will be player vs player base raiding, something you would often see in Conan the barbarian movies and similar themed movies. 

Pillaging a small camp, Check. 
Capturing villagers to do your bidding, 
Check. Become the one and only king of the world, Check.

How will i play Conan Exiles?

i will give Conan Exiles some time until i reach the max possible level ( 50 ) on a PVE server SOLO. ( just like Conan ) Then playing it once a while when a major patch drop. Mainly new dungeon or area patch. Even with a PVP focus game like Conan Exiles, i prefer to survive the harsh environment instead.

I will record my gameplay with as little edit as possible until i hit the level cap, until then Video will be uploaded bi-monthly.

Channel Description

A casual exile rooming in hyboria, discovering and survive the brutal lands of Conan exiles

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conan, conan exiles, exiles, hyobria, funcom, pve, barbarian, survival, open world, early access,
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