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Star Citizen and Me, prepping for 3.0

As the drama of 0$ CCU continue, I however instead need to replan on the upgrade path that I initially map out early this year in previous post. I wanted to play all the available ships while not breaking the bank. Instead on keeping low tier ships, i have decided to up my spending ceiling for star citizen ( note : there is no way on how you and i should spend money this way unless we are that crazy ).

Using Eve Online as a base for ship earning and in game economy, because i have some knowledge on earning them ISK using various ship and method.

First is the Carebear earning ships, in Eve Online terms, ships that have the most consistence earning capabilities with the lowest risk. This falls on 3 particular tier ship, a battleship tier for combat, a mining barge and a cargo hauler. 

On average an hour gameplay in a battleship yields 20 mil, 15 mil on a mining barge, and cargo hauler from 1 - infinity ( there are commodity the is highly priced and some no ) so we have to rule out hauling cargo.

how much is 20mil in eve online? literally any basic ship from cruisers and below. But this is too easy or fast you said?, Note that the ship used for mining starts from 180 mil along with at least 50 days worth of training time. a Battleship training time is shorter but varies due to weapon system, repair and support skills, which can go as fast as 4 days but to pilot a high end battleship takes a minimum of 115 days. Also note that battleships / mining barges fall below the Sub capital category.

Now on to comparing data with Star Citizen. Since there is no form of economy and in game ship pricing for it yet, I will categorize as follows:  

Tier 1 sub $70 ( easily replaceable ships )  
Tier 2 $ 71 - $150 ( standard working class ships ) 
Tier 3 $151-$250 ( introduction to multi-crew, if not best single seater ships ) 
Tier 4 $251 - $550 ( large multi-crew, highly specialized role )
Tier 5 $551- $999  ( currently an odd position, looking at you polaris and 890 jump)
Capital Ships being both Idris and Javelin at the moment

Given with the data i have, i will be banking on the Tier 4 ships as they are more closer compare to eve online counterpart, Vanguards and Constellation Andromeda for long engagements, an Orion can easily compare to a small mining fleet in Eve Online, an Aquila / Carrack are will equip for exploring, Hull D and BMM running delivery service, Endeavor a space RV with farming capabilities and many more role specific ships.

But but i though ships comes in 3 sizes ? small, med and large because you know jump points!, also there are some ship priced more expansive because “alien”. Im aware about that, but before i start pointing out the odd balls first, Star Citizen need to get on with the basic economy and reputation gain ship sorted out first. Which i believe once 3.0 start rolling i will have a clearer picture.

Star citizen has a small fix for some of you combat and race pilots out there, there is a service called Electronic Access where you can Rent a ship for 7 days. I have yet to get an average, but from experience the fastest way to earn is to race, an average 600 REC per race for 5-7 mins on the shortest map with waiting time. Easily able to rent sub $100 ships in 6 hours play time but sadly rented ships cannot be played in the persistence universe.

Until 3.0 drops, be a Responsible with your money citizen and fly safe.
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