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Digimon Links event : Order and Chaos

Greeting tamers

Order and Chaos is now live!

Good News for Old and New players, as this is a event that feature gallantmon and chaos gallantmon. Both being offered again, this is the first repeated event for both Digimon.

Best part is that this event is a digi stone event. Meaning if you can pay for the easy mode and breeze through this event. So a total of 22000 points for both 21 fragments.

With a 170 points per game,which require 15 stones to unlock the "release" stage for 30 mins. 

This is the battle of speed clearing.
Now with a default 100 stamina and 10 stamina per game all you need to do is complete 20 rounds per 30 mins. For 20 digistone per session for 3400 points( this is the ideal run ). A total of 7 session is needed to collect 22k points, roughly 140 digistones needed.

Update: it seems the "release" level is harder but in return the points per game is now at 200 per game. 're calculation and clearing speed is being tested. 

Hopefully the whole stage can be done below 10 sessions as 2200 points is needed per session and a total of 200 digistone is needed 

Note: if you choose not to pay digistone, you will have the toughest time to gather fragments.

For those who don't have enough. Gathering approx 3000 points will net you 7 fragments for both event digimon.

Personally I grew to love this event as its not as punishing as the other events, the downside is that a minimum investment is needed. But compare to their events you are faced with both "chip quality" RNG and Co-op disband which takes up a lot of time to grind 21 fragments.

Both gallantmon are consider at best a low A tier, chaos being lower as his DNA 1 lack of a debuff compare to gallant. But to me personally because I manage to obtain my first +4 with gallantmon. I manage to participate many events and PvP I will say get them at +4 and it's worth every stone spend.

Also note that gallantmon can evolve to a stronger X- antibody version and a Crimson Mode, where CM is confirm coming next week and then possible X- antibody after next week.

Good luck grinding
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