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Might and Magic Elemental Guardians early impression


Just tried out Might & Magic Elemental Guardians, which launched recently.

An Endeavour for ubisoft to tackle the mobile gacha game scene.

This game feature a collectable of monsters which you can collect and evolve via the all standard Gacha system. Featuring multiple source of "gacha" and being the standard gacha game, there is events to get some exclusive monsters as well.

The game is also simple to grasp and play which makes it a plus point. Pick up games like this are the staple for a good start, as some of the previous games I played offer too much to do and yet complex steps to achieve it.

But in Elemental Guardians, the game is straight forward. A simple story play out through different section of the map with a "battle/story path" with 3 difficulty which will be unlock after you cleared a section.

Of course there will be other "grind" quest which is the same as the story mode.

PVP however takes a different approach. It feature a "offline" AI opponent, which is good for these type of game as the combat is active turn base and since its removed the present of 2 active player combat is smooth and strategizing your team is easier, which could be bad for active players.

Combat is easy as mention, it's an active turn base with an Auto function. I could not stress this as a mobile game that requires grind, having an Auto play function is crucial but also the game needs to be a bit engaging rather then mindless grinding.

Levelling up creature is very easy, battle to earn exp, use exp items. Done. Of course a standard gacha game is to have a "star" system where usually require to use other creature or special item to level up the creature star rating.

The graphic for this game takes a more fun and cartoon approach which could be a nice direction but as a might and magic player, I could be too light. Know that the lore is very shallow as a M&M game.

Overall the game serves as a time killer, simple and short. I however will not play continuously as a daily driver as the game lacks the deep lore of a well known fantasy title and the game is a little too "light" for my taste, it's still a simple good game.

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