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Digimon Links event : The Unleashed Crimson Knight

So a extra early event is here, featuring Gallantmon CM

This event will mark as the 2nd appearance for the feature Digimon

This round is a databyte event. Nothing extra is offered for this event. So the main focus is to grind for 21 fragments.

To begin with, since its tied up with another in going event, it is not new player friendly as Gallantmon CM requires Gallantmon fragments to evolve.

To farm for 21 fragments, a total of 2450 bytes is needed. Currently I have about 3-4 gold cube drops with total around 10 on average as Chipless. With will take around 245 games 122.5 refills for a total of 612 digistones.

Which will be very tough, and highly not recommended. Good News is that if you can clear the stage within 5 rounds a bonus byte will be rewarded.

Gallantmon CM is worth your time if the meta is not water or thunder in the current PvP. On the PvE side it's fast and strong as the signature skill power is 600.

But overall it's expansive to build compare to the X-antibody counter part and a more cheaper Banco leomon or cherubimon is much better.

Personally if you are new to the scene just get 7 fragments and wait for Gallantmon X. While waiting either complete the current Order and Chaos at a more relax pace, or farm out the advent quest.

For me I will get the remaining fragments as I have participate in the previous event.

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