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Invictus 2950 Aegis Dynamics 2 day sale

Now for the Highlight of Invictus 2950 Fleet is Aegis Dynamics

featuring a very interesting Retaliator for Warbond CCU, it was the early military ship with swable modules, not so sure what happen to it right now. even so it's still a SOLID Torpedo bomber.
Next of course is the MOST sought after ships in the verse and also of if not the top most expensive Ship TO DATE

With over 1000 USD per ship and still getting sold out. This is outrageous for a game. But still someone is willing to buy i say go ahead! (deeply i wanted the idris-p ).

But here is the best part for all the normal citizen out there.
The Avenger Variant, Titan being the best of the best, follow by the Titan Renegade with a different weapon loadout.

and the avenger Warlock, the BEST EMP ship to date and flyable.

for you backers out there who has multiple ships but do not have a big budget. The avenger is currently the BEST cheapest "starter" ship one could and should have one bought with cash or ingame.

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