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Invictus 2950 Anvil Aerospace 2 day sale

it's the Anvils Turn!

Featuring the Anvil Valkyrie for Warbond CCU

 For you combat pilots out there, Anvil does pack a lot of goodies for you! With so many ships from anvil for sale, let's narrow down the list. 

Starting with the Anvil Arrow and the Pisces Experdition

The pisces might not be the best "starter" if compare to the Aegis Avenger Titan but its anvil's best small little craft.

And the Anvil Arrow, currently as the best agile small combat fighter to own, not to mention its the cheapest among its competitor!

Of course not forgetting the carrack, but sadly with its increase in price it's better to fight for the RSI polaris.

And there is more! one of the best medium Brawler is the F7C-M Super Hornet it's available for purchase!

Lastly, a special mention. the Anvil Crucible. a mobile repair shop! don't leave home for fleet combat without it

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