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Invictus 2950 MISC, Consolidated Outland, Argo Astronautics and the Crusader Industries 2 day sale

With 4 different smaller brands for these 2 days is the MISC, Consolidated Outland, Argo Astronautics and the Crusader Industries.

starting with the highlight MISC Freelancer MIS

Maximum Firepower in a tiny little package. No seriously, with the price tag of 175 USD. Its the, THE BEST gunship with cargo! not to mention it has lots of missiles, A LOT of missiles and heavier armor since its made for the UEE.

the next honorable mention is the Starfarer Gemini

it's the priciest and one of the only Fuel space tanker. with heavier armor and a missile pod in the front ( currently listed as swappable to a fuel scoop in the future, the Gemini is another perfect grab for long distance fleet or nomadic fleet.

the next highlight ship is the Crusaders Industries Mercury Star Runner.

currently its the next community ship as on paper its a smuggler ship, millennium falcon *wink wink.
which is all good but we have to wait until the ship is actual flight ready
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