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Star citizen, I made my First Pledge! What to do in alpha 3.9

Greetings and Welcome to the verse Citizen!

I hope you used my referral code, for that I Thank you! Starting out in star citizen is easy.

The first step is to get familiar with the game and the best way is to jump straight to PU (Universe)

There are 3 Space ports for you to choose from for Alpha 3.9, pick anyone of tour choice, but my recommendation is New Babbage as this is the feature space port foe 3.9. Don'y worry you can travel to any port, this is only the "Starting" spawn.

Visit these Interesting locations

New Babbage Tour

Lorville Tour

Area 18 Tour

Levski Tour

Grim Hex Tour

Port Olisar Tour

Station Tour - Baijini point

Station Tour - Everus Harbor

Station Tour - Port Tressler

On the next post, we will look on the many ways to earn in-game aUEC and ships
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