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Looking back injustice 2 Mobile

Well back to injustice 2 mobile to take a peak on what's happening.

Having reduce to only log in, collect daily stuff and running a match or 2 on the raid and arena.
How have the game become?

Given with the many changes, most important change is the arena, instead of having 1 , the developer decided its best to have multiple arena. Which can be a good thing.

Let's talk the pro and cons on the latest arena iteration.

The pro,
new players will be able to climb the ranking board as they will not be fighting with day 1 players.
The new reward system works! With weekly hero shards given out in almost every rank.

The con,
Injustice 2 mobile arena ranking follows a percentage per pool ranking. Which means there will be only a set amount of players per rank. In this case the smaller the pool the harder to climb. So for day 1 arena. Competition is tough!

So players like me who started early, took a break since last year will find it hard to climb up the ranks.

Next new feature is guild and raid. One of the most best feature added into the game. A common feature available on jrpg mobile games now in a semi fighting game.

The raid rewards includes raid exclusive character, which is a little expansive for a casual player, but the other rewards are the best. Hero fragments and levelled up gears.

With a little commitment the raid is very interesting game mode to play.

However, even with the awesome updates and not so friendly arena. The main concern of the game is loading time. Sadly with my current device a hwawei P10 lite. The game does sometimes struggle to play smoothly and loading in between stage and raid menu is terrible, for me.

Do I miss the game?

Not really, probably I have move on to a new substitute. Active play is nice, but horrible loading does not. Well At least I do stop by from time to time.
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