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Star Citizen 3.1 Starter Pack selection Guide

Greetings Citizen, Having fun with the Free Fly weekend so far? if you haven't try, It's FREE, just click here to register a Free account.

Moving on. Supporting the game. Yes even Star Citizen can be played, it is still an unfinished product. Pledging or buying their product now is consider a support rather than purchasing a finish product.

However, 2018 has changed a lot for Star Citizen. Much progress has been made, and also there are a lot of ships sold ever since 2011. You Read that right, 7 years of Development. Plenty of tale has been told on the internet.

But i'm here guide you to the new world of star citizen packages and ships and my strategy on supporting the game for 2018 onwards.

Before we begin.



now let's go!

This week there is a new starter package offered. The Origin 100i an spanking new sleak starter ship!

How much you ask?

Its 55 USD for the Warbond Package, CAUTION. Warbond means pay with Credit Card or PayPal.
Why Warbond? and why there is another package cost 60 USD?

As a veteran supporter, Star Citizen offer a feature to give up your existing package in exchange for "Store Credits" so you can purchase another new ship or package(non warbond).

So you as a NEW player and wish to PLEDGE/BUY for first package, warbond is the way to go!

Wow USD 55 its a bit too Steep!

Don't worry my friend there is another 2 alternative package for you to choose from and with the 3.1 Free fly discount ( limited to This week ) both cost 35 USD is stead of 45 USD!

Also There is another " Single player " Add on called Squadron 42, basically a single player "content" this add on is NOT A DLC. which available in a combo package for both of the AURORA and MUSTANG package.

A grand TOTAL of 55 USD for you to gain entry to the "PU (Persistence Universe)", currently what you are playing in the "Free fly week". Sounds ?

But what is the difference between them?

let's start off the the First Starter AURORA, introduce during the early days of star citizen and was the FIRST STARTER SHIP to be introduce along with the announcement with Star Citizen.

Next is the MUSTANG, a more agile, more pew pew ship is introduce for those who want a bit more action.

And now the sleek new ORIGIN 100i is introduce to new and old backer!

Now hold on there, i'm confused with all this Starters... Which should i choose? Sadly, even me having hard time to choose my first starter as well ( where there was 2 ). And since i have dable the concept and the choices. Here is the BEST STEP TO TAKE.

Forget those Choices. Here is the breakdown.

if you want Cheap pick the MUSTANG PACKAGE as That Starter ship cost 5 USD more.

Why you ask? Star Citizen currently offer a Ship upgrade service. Which means you can upgrade to a more expansive ship and you just need to pay the difference, and MUSTANG gives you an extra 5 USD DISCOUNT if you chose to. Another time for that~~

But currently i will recommend the WARBOND ORIGIN 100i, it's much pricer... ( 20 USD more ) but it offer 1 Extra perk. LTI ( Life Time Insurance )

Warbond 100I package ( 55 USD )

Normal 100I package ( 60 USD )

Normal MUSTANG package ( 35 USD )

Is LTI ( Life Time Insurance ) important ? Currently there is no definite answer to it yet as the developer is under consideration on how Insurance work. But as for me LTI prevents me from buying too many ships as they are "Rare" to find. I will say its always to have something you don't use than something you need to use and don't have. LTI is the way to go!

This LTI thing needs to be flush out soon as it does provide a headache for new and old backers. The old definition is if you lose the ship you will not get it back if your insurance runs out. But how there is an unofficial update where all Cash purchased ship will be permanent, the insurance will affect the "respawn time". but until then i will not make any assumptions.

Which choice you choose to take is still ok as Buying a Package now means SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT.

ok I'm ready to support the game, What do i do?

I Choose the NEW ORIGIN 100I package.

Before you checkout be sure to pick up the Squadron 42 for 20 USD! which total up to 75 USD for technically 2 games!

That's too much for me but i want to support the game!
Here is a work around for the most cheapest package you can get.



Don't forget to add the 20 USD SQ 42 and MAKE sure its the 3.1 FreeFly package for another 10 USD discount, The Total now is 55 USD.

But there is a combo package why should i not check out with that? Reason is that if you want to have 2 separate package instead of 1 combo package, i know it's stupid but this is to future proof if you decided to spend more to support the game. I will cover more on this on another post.

Now, Be proud, have fun, and i will see you in the verse!

if you find this guide helpful please support me by using my referral code to sign up your free account.

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