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Digimon Links event: Flame and Fog event

Greeting tamers,

Flames and Fog has arrive featuring  plesiomon for the second time in this first half of the event. This event feature extra stage an its separate into 2 half with each Digimon per half.

For those who grinded examon, good news! Extra 50% damage upon using him.

Now, should us grind for plesiomon? A total of 630 bytes needed.

The first half usually drop minimal bytes as for me I can get around 2 bytes per chipless game.

But with any chip you stand a chance to trigger extra stage.

Extra stage is for those who is willing to pull the event chip banner as it is not chipless friendly.

Judging from pass experience, the only reason you play this event is to get that sweet fire skill boot chip.

And as for me since the 2 feature Digimon is not what I am aiming for I will only play for the fire skill chip and dedicate the rest for advent quest like last week to build up other backlog Digimons

Good luck!

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