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Digimon Links event : Flames and Fog

Greetings tamers, time for the 2nd half of the game.

Featuring Ancient Greymon the stat for this week event.

Note that this only contain 1 stage, intense. Which he have the weekends of water and resist fire,light and dark.

Following last month TigerVespamon, this 2nd half is chipless friendly as the data byte drop is a constant 6 bytes minimum or 10 as a host without extra stage.

To obtain Ancient Greymon you need only 430 data bytes. With the chipless drop of 6 bytes per game you only need 71 games.

And with 2 intense games per refill, 36 refills is needed at the cost of 180 stones.

Not bad I say. But question is, is it worth it?

But other then Ancient Greymon the main star of this event is that sweet fire skill chip.

Best secure 1 C fire skill chip before grinding out a +4 Ancient Greymon.

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