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Digimon Links event : Mighty Ancient Dragon

Greetings tamers,

For the first time, a special 3 weeks event is being introduced.

The featured Digimon is non other then Imperialdramon PM and Omegamon.

This 3 weeks is going to be interesting and tough as these 2 Digimon is one of not the most sought after by many digimon fans.

Since this event is 3 weeks long I will be breaking down the section per week.

The first week event only feature hard and expert mode. In which I have been averaging between : 1 gold box for hard per game and 1-3 gold box for expert per game.

Best part it will last for 3 weeks. So farm as hard as you can.

The Digimon available is non other then the basic Digimon needed for both omegamon and imperialdramon PM, they are : 

Wargreymon - 770 bytes for +4

Metalgarurumon - 770 bytes for +4

Imperialdramon - 1715 bytes for +4

As a bonus try even offer fodder Digimon s

Metal etemon - 6 bytes each.

Puppetmon - 10 bytes each.

Metal seadramon - 10 bytes each.

For the first part of the event you would require a minimum investment of 100 digistones. As the event chip gives extra stats for your digimon and the most important extra data bytes per gold drop!

Note : This is not chipless friendly event.

Time for the breakdown, 

Both wargreymon and metalgarurumon needed 770 bytes each to reach +4 and you need both for omegamon so total of 1440 bytes needed, this translate to 144 games if your drop is on average 10, and this is a CCC gems as host. If you join other games is usually half. 

144 games means approx 57+ refills, a total of 288 stones needed as host.

Next is the main star of the event, imperialdramon, with a whooping 1715 data bytes needed. Approx 68 games needed, a total of 343 stones needed as host.

These are punishing numbers as they require either high commitment of time and or digistones. But however since we have 3 weeks to grind it out. I believe there is a good way to achieving it as a f2p player.

Personally I will be quite active in this event compare to there other later 2 events as getting the featured base Digimon at +4 is worth it in the long run.

My strategy :

As a f2p player with limited time, prioritizing and patience is the key to obtain the +4 Digimon. But if you only want an unawaken Digimon the it should be much easier. But this guide is to aim a bunch of +4's

Sadly with the data bytes needed, imperialdramon will be skipped in order to maximised other Digimons

First, obtaining wargreymon to +4, as he can be use for future fire weekness events. - 770 bytes goal

Next would be them metal monkeys, metal etemon you would want to max out at 99. They will be your fodder. Note : 74 fragments is needed to train a Digimon from rookie to a +4 rookie with awaken fodder - 600 bytes goal

Then you have a choice between metalseadramon or puppetmon just need 21 fregments with 210 bytes each. Personally go for both as they are Much stonger when they hit V2 stage. - Total 420 bytes goal

By now you should have at least 2(or 3) Digimon ready for +4. With a total of 1580 (1790) bytes invested. And that's by giving up a +4 imperialdramon grind

Then only farm Metalgarurumon, but caution do not evolve to +4 as it will be kept for future omegamon events. 

Note, if you choose metalgarurumon as your +4 then make sure you keep your 21 wargrey fregs. If you decided to use both fragments, prepare to farm either of them as omegamon needs their fragments in the evolution process.

As for me, since I started playing Digimon Links in the early days and have muster some imperialdramon fregs, along with enough puppetmon and metalseadramon fregs. 

I I'll be first focusing imperialdramon for until 21 fragments. (11 left from the previous event) 

Then focus down metaletemon, you can't get enough of them. 

Then lastly would be the pair of wargrey and metalgaruru.

Then I will settle with 7 fragments of omegemon and imperialdramon PM and will get them in future events.

More to come as I gather more data about this event and along with it my strategy to tackle this event as a F2P.

Stay tune

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