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The Tale of Five kingdoms 5 early impression


Another new Asian mobile mmorpg is available! Time to take it for a test play.

Right of the bat I will say this game have already causes an issue,mainly I can only play over wifi for some reason. It's a little disappointing.

But that's about it, not able to play on the go for me.

So being a typical Asian mobile mmorpg the basic bread and butter for then game is having "hero" loot box and or "equipment" loot box, and it's a big giant loot box game. With of course everything rpg, the worst kind of grind without the appealing story and cinematic.

Now what stands out from the competitors is that you control 5 characters, yes following the title of the game 5 is the golden number for this game. In true auto play active combat with a paused manual command and a very interesting auto play macro, which allows you to queue up skills and execute in order in auto play.

Leaving the best for last. The graphic is top notch for a Mobile game, and like a true Asian mmorpg game, the female character gets the best "visual" treatment.

But what can I say, certainly its interesting to play from the looks of it. I will take it for a 7 days test drive as usually there will be a "special" log in item on the 7th day. And until then I will decided if the game deserve a long term attention.

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